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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - pure


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1) бесприсадочный 2) беспримесный 3) несмешанный 4) строгий 5) чистый bounded pure subgroup — ограниченная сервантная подгруппа chemically pure metal — химически чистый металл commercially pure aluminumтехнически чистый алюминий equilibrium in pure strategies — т. игр равновесие в чистых стратегиях game of pure chanceчисто азартная игра lower pure value — нижняя чистая цена medically pure oxygenмедицинский кислород pure causal chain — чисто причинная цепь pure covariant functor — чисто ковариантный функтор pure cubic equation — двучленное кубическое уравнение pure cubic field — чисто кубическое поле pure culture machineаппарат чистых культур pure exact sequence — сервантно точная последовательность pure forest stand — чистое лесонасаждение pure functional calculus — чистое функциональное исчисление pure goniometric equation — тригонометрическое уравнение pure imaginary eigenvalue — чисто мнимое собственное значение pure imaginary element — чисто мнимый элемент pure imaginary number — чисто мнимое число pure imaginary root — чисто мнимый корень pure independent system — сервантно независимая система pure injective group — сервантно инъективная группа pure injective hull — сервантно инъективная оболочка pure integer programmingполностью целочисленное программирование pure number theory — чистая элементарная теория чисел pure phase hologram — чистофазовая голограмма pure predicate calculus — чистое исчисление предикатов pure projective geometry — чисто проективная геометрия pure projective group — сервантно проективная группа pure quadratic equation — неполное квадратное уравнение pure quadratic function — чисто квадратическая функция pure rotation group — группа чистых вращений pure simple group — сервантно простая группа pure stand of trees — чистый древостой pure strategy game — игра с чистой стратегией pure strategy solution — т. игр решение в чистых стратегиях technically pure iron — технически чистое железо upper pure value — верхняя цена, верхняя чистая цена - pure abstraction - pure air - pure bending - pure binary - pure braid - pure cathode - pure chance - pure class - pure codimension - pure competition - pure complex - pure correspondence - pure crystal - pure current - pure differential - pure dimension - pure dominance - pure epimorphism - pure error - pure estimate - pure glycerin - pure graph - pure homomorphism - pure image - pure imaginary - pure injective - pure isotope - pure lime - pure logic - pure loss - pure mathematics - pure maximin - pure minimax - pure monomorphism - pure morphology - pure number - pure oxygen - pure partition - pure periodicity - pure potential - pure projective - pure projectivity - pure quadratic - pure quantifier - pure quaternion - pure rotation - pure rubber - pure scattering - pure semiconductor - pure semigroup - pure set - pure spinor - pure strain - pure strategy - pure subalgebra - pure subgroup - pure submodule - pure substance - pure surd - pure tensor - pure tone - pure transcendental - pure variable - pure variety - pure water - pure word - pure wurf
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  чистый, беспримесный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. чистота 2. кож. дело шакша, собачий помет 3. чистый; беспримесный pure air —- чистый воздух pure milk —- цельное (неразбавленное) молоко pure alcohol —- чистый спирт pure silk —- натуральный шелк pure wool —- чистая шерсть; стопроцентная шерсть pure forest (stand) —- лес. насаждение одной породы (деревьев) analytically pure —- химически чистый commercially pure —- технически чистый 4. чистокровный; чистый pure Englishman —- чистокровный англичанин pure Arab (horse) —- чистокровный арабский скакун 5. чистый, ясный, отчетливый (о звуке) pure tone —- чистый тон pure vowel —- фон. чистая гласная 6. однородный (о цвете) pure white —- чистый, белый цвет 7. правильный, соответствующий определенным нормам, безупречный (о языке, слоге и т. п.) he spoke pure English —- он говорил на чистейшем английском языке 8. теоретический; отвлеченный pure physics —- теоретическая физика pure mathematics —- чистая математика (в отличие от вычислительной) 9. посвятивший себя какой-л. ограниченной области знания, узкий he is a pure surgeon —- он занимается только хирургией 10. неиспорченный, безупречный, превосходный his taste was severe and pure —- у него был строгий и безупречный вкус 11. невинный, непорочный, целомудренный, чистый pure in mind and body —- чист душой и телом 12. правдивый,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) чистый; беспримесный  2) чистокровный  3) непорочный, целомудренный  4) безупречный; pure taste - безупречный вкус  5) простой (о стиле); отчетливый; ясный (о звуке)  6) чистейший, полнейший; pure imagination - чистейшая выдумка; pure accident - чистая случайность Syn: see chaste ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj. 1 unmixed, unadulterated (pure white; pure alcohol). 2 of unmixed origin or descent (pure-blooded). 3 chaste. 4 morally or sexually undefiled; not corrupt. 5 guiltless. 6 sincere. 7 mere, simple, nothing but, sheer (it was pure malice). 8 (of a sound) not discordant, perfectly in tune. 9 (of a subject of study) dealing with abstract concepts and not practical application. 10 a (of a vowel) not joined with another in a diphthong. b (of a consonant) not accompanied by another. Phrases and idioms pure science a science depending on deductions from demonstrated truths (e.g. mathematics or logic), or one studied without practical applications. Derivatives pureness n. Etymology: ME f. OF pur pure f. L purus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English pur, from Anglo-French, from Latin purus; akin to Old High German fowen to sift, Sanskrit punati he cleanses, Middle Irish ur fresh, new  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) unmixed with any other matter ~ gold  (2) free from dust, dirt, or taint ~ springwater  (3) spotless, stainless  b. free from harshness or roughness and being in tune — used of a musical tone  c. of a vowel characterized by no appreciable alteration of articulation during utterance  2.  a. being thus and no other ; sheer, unmitigated ~ folly  b.  (1) abstract, theoretical ~ research  (2) a priori ~ mechanics  c. not directed toward exposition of reality or solution of practical problems ~ literature  d. being nonobjective and to be appraised on formal and technical qualities only ~ form  3.  a.  (1) free from what vitiates, weakens, or pollutes  (2) containing nothing that does not properly belong  b. free from moral fault or guilt  c. marked by chastity ; continent  d.  (1) of ~ blood and unmixed ancestry  (2) homozygous in and breeding true for one or more characters  e. ritually clean  4. having exactly the talents or skills needed for a particular role a ~ shooter in basketball  Synonyms: see chaste  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (purer, purest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. ...a carton of pure orange juice. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides. ...demands for purer and cleaner river water. ADJ • purity They worried about the purity of tap water. N-UNCOUNT: with poss 3. If you describe something such as a colour, a sound, or a type of light as pure, you mean that it is very clear and represents a perfect example of its type. ...flowers in a whole range of blues with the occasional pure white. ADJ: usu ADJ n • purity The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North. N-UNCOUNT 4. If you describe a form of art or a philosophy as pure, you mean that it is produced or practised according to a standard or form that is expected of it. (FORMAL) Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art. ADJ: usu ADJ n • purity ...verse of great purity, sonority of rhythm, and symphonic form. N-UNCOUNT 5. Pure science or pure research is concerned only with theory and not with how this theory can be used in practical ways. Physics isn’t just about pure science with no immediate applications... ? applied ADJ: ADJ n 6. Pure means complete and total. The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise... = sheer ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »NOT MIXED« not mixed with anything else  (Is this sweater made of pure wool? | The cocaine was 95% pure. | The purest form of the southern accent can be heard in Tennessee.) 2 pure chance/greed/hell etc complete chance etc  (By pure chance my boss was flying on the same plane as me. | "How was the exam?" "Pure hell!" | a work of pure genius | the pure thrill of living) 3 »CLEAN« clean, without anything harmful or unhealthy  (The air by the sea is pure and healthy. | pure drinking water) 4 »WITHOUT EVIL« having no evil ideas or plans, especially no sexual thoughts or experience; innocent1 (4)  (a pure young girl | I'm sure he had the purest of motives.) 5 »COLOUR« clear and not mixed with other colours  (a cloudless sky of the purest blue) 6 »SOUND« very clear and beautiful to hear  (a pure note | a lovely pure soprano) 7 »ART« a pure form of art is done exactly according to an accepted standard or pattern 8 as pure as the driven snow an expression meaning morally perfect, often used jokingly to describe someone who is not like this at all 9 pure and simple especially spoken used to say that there is only one reason for something  (The mistake was due to carelessness, pure and simple.) 10 pure science/mathematics etc work done in science etc in order to increase our knowledge of it rather than to make practical use of it  (pure and applied research)  (- compare applied, - see also impure, purely, purify, purity) - pureness n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. POMCUS Unit Residual Equipment sport abbr. Pineville's Ultimate Racing Experience NASDAQ abbr. Innovative Medical Services ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 12c., from O.Fr. pur, from L. purus "clean, clear, unmixed, chaste," from PIE base *peu-/*pu- "to purify, cleanse." Replaced O.E. hlutor. Purist first recorded 1706, on model of Fr. puriste. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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